About our Winter HAF Sessions



Important Information

1. What to expect at our Winter HAF sessions?
Our sessions provide children with a safe place to play, activities include arts and crafts, slime making, group games and sports activities.
Children will be given a healthy meal during the session, in line with their dietary requirements.
Sessions are for children aged 4-12 years old and are for children only.
2. How to book children on to our Winter HAF sessions?

For our Winter HAF sessions, we are only accepting online bookings. Numbers are limited.
To book, please click here: https://bookings.thehubbfoundation.com/, the bookings for our Winter HAF Sessions are managed by The Hubb Foundation.

3. How much do sessions cost?
Sessions are FREE and will run for three hours.
4. What is HAF?

The Holiday Activity Fund, is a Government initiative to support low income families, during Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays.

This holiday provision is for school aged children from reception to year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals.

Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority.

When we receive HAF funding for our holiday sessions, sessions will always be FREE.

More information regarding HAF can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/holiday-activities-and-food-programme/holiday-activities-and-food-programme-2021

5. Do parents/carers attend with their child?
Our sessions are for children only.
6. My child has a support need and requires a 121 with staff?
We are really sorry, if your child has support needs and requires 121 support, unfortunately they will not be able to attend. Parents/carers will not be able to attend to support them, due to safeguarding.

We would love to support children with 121’s, however we are not able to provide this support currently.

If we find you have given false information, regarding the support needs of your child, staff have the right to ask you to come and collect your child immediately from the session and have the right to refrain you from booking your child/children on to any of our future sessions.

7. How we use your data?

We ask for personal details, so we are aware of any medical, health and support needs, to help keep children safe at our sessions and to ensure their needs are met safely. Parent/Carer details are taken, in case of an emergency.

Data is only passed on to any third party organisations regarding funding requirements or if there is a safeguarding issue. For our Winter HAF Sessions, all personal details and any safeguarding issues will be shared with The Hubb Foundation.

You can read more about how we use your data here.

Here is the HUBB Foundation privacy policy

8. My child is not eligible for free school meals, can I still book them on?
No, for our Winter HAF Programme, only children who are eligible for free school meals can be booked on.
9. Is there a limit to how many sessions, I can book my child on to?
There is no limit, you can book your child onto as many sessions, as long as they are eligible for free school meals.
10. I have completed a booking form, but have not heard back?
All bookings are now managed by The Hubb Foundation you can contact them on:

Email: info@thehubbfoundation.com

Phone: 01782 228801 or alternatively 01782 228800 (ask to be transferred to The Hubb Foundation)

11. Do you have a cancellation list?
It is very difficult for us to manage a cancellation list, due to volume of sessions we will be delivering.
If we receive cancellations in a timely manner, we may post these on social media and spaces will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
12. When will your normal SPLAT term-time sessions be back?
Our usual SPLAT sessions will return on Wednesday 10th January 2024.
13. How do I make a complaint about a HAF Session?
We welcome complaints, to help us to improve our services. You can do this by emailing us on info@splatstaffs.co.uk

If your child is not between the ages of 4-12 years old, WE ARE NOT INSURED!

Our staff have the right to ask for proof of age for children, refuse entry, or ask you to come and collect your child immediately, if we find that children are not within the 4-12 years age range.

Unfortunately, we have had many families giving false information, regarding the age of children.

You are putting our organisation at risk as we are not insured! We will not tolerate this and will take the appropriate action.